Kailey MarcAurele
TurningPointCT - Project Coordinator & Peer Leader
Kailey joined TurningPointCT.org as the social media assistant in February of 2021. In September of 2021, she became TurningPointCT.org’s Project Coordinator & Peer Leader.
Kailey is a young adult who is passionate about helping to end the stigma that surrounds mental health. She is a mental health advocate that is in recovery from several mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and complex post-traumatic stress disorder. She is also in recovery from various unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Kailey openly shares her struggles with her mental health. For her senior project in college, she started the blog Combating My Anxiety: A Life Long Journey to paint a true picture of what it’s like living with mental illness through personal stories and art. Her hope was that others could relate to what she was sharing and to help end the stigma by speaking about her mental health.
Kailey graduated from Eastern Connecticut State University with a degree in New Media Studies in August of 2020. During school, she learned various skills such as graphic design, how to create audio pieces, how to create video pieces, and a lot of photography skills.
Kailey’s social media experience comes from working on her mom’s blog Low Carb Yum. Kailey has been working for her mom since 2015. She helps with various tasks such as photographing the recipes, creating meal plans, creating content for social media, and scheduling content out.
Kailey is a very creative person and she uses art as well as music as ways to cope. She likes to play the guitar, the piano, and the ukulele as well as sing. She also loves to take portraits. Her favorite thing to capture when photographing people is their raw emotion. For this reason, candid photos are her favorite to take.
Spending time in nature is one of her favorite ways to decompress. She especially loves to be by the water. She is very big into nature and wildlife photography. Photographing waterfalls, birds, and seals are a favorite of hers. Kailey enjoys connecting with others who also love photography and the outdoors.
Contact: kmarcaurele@positivedirections.org
Visit the site at: https://turningpointct.org/